How to remove bibin.exe virus from PC, Pendrive and Hard disk

How to remove bibin.exe virus from PC, Pendrive and Hard disk

Bibin.exe is one of the famous and destructive virus. In this article we will discuss about how to remove bibin.exe virus from the affected PC, USB device, Memory card and Hard disk. This bibin.exe virus will copy itself into all the folders of the affected storage device and will slow down the computer performance. The common symptoms of this virus is, whenever you open a new folder, it will open in new window.

Image result for bibin virus

Steps to remove BiBiN.exe virus

The first and recommended method is to use the Microsoft Security Essentials Anti Virus. Download MSSE from Microsoft website and MSSE is recommended because it removes shortcut virus too. Moreover, there are many Advantages of MSSE. If you use Windows 8, you have Microsoft security essentials by default in the name of “Windows Defender”. You will need to activate MSSE in Windows 8. Just follow the steps in Windows 8:
  • Go to Metro Start menu
  • Type “Windows Defender”
  • Click on the Defender icon in the search results.
Now, You have successfully activated windows defender. Just update the Defender and run a Full scan. All the BiBiN.exe virus will be removed. After removine BiBiN, it is recommended to perform a complete restart (or)
Clean restart of your Windows OS. Because, a complete restart will remove any temporary files.

Recover Data from BiBiN.exe virus

If your Pendrive / Removable storage is affected by BiBiN.exe virus, it is very difficult to recover the data. You will need to manually open each and every folder and copy the contents. If the folders are not visible, still the removable storage (USB – Pendrive) is showing occupied memory, then the files are hidden. Follow these steps to make them visible:
  • Go to control panel
  • Change view to “Larger icons”
  • Open “Folder options”
  • Under the “View” tab, go to “Advanced settings”
  • Select “Show hidden files and folders” and UN-tick “Hide system protected files and folders”
  • Click on “Apply”, then click on “OK”.
Now, Go to the affected storage drive and recover your files. If windows 8 metro apps are affected, run windows 8 apps data backup tool to create a backup of all your apps and then restore them.
Important Note : Only after installing MSSE, updating and performing a complete scan, you can follow the Data recovery techniques. If the Antivirus update fails, check your broadband internet connection settings. If the scan fails due to over infection, consider the following:
The following conditions are to be strictly followed before any of the recovery methods:
 After complete recovery of PC from the BiBiN virus, you have to prevent this virus from affecting your PC again. So, here are some tips to take care:
  • Regularly update your Anti virus
  • Use some removable disk protection applications
  • Do Not insert storage medium which are not from a trusted source
  • DO-NOT download everything your see on Internet. Only use reliable sources.
  • If you do not trust the sender of an email, do not download the files.


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