
Flashback Though not as damaging as the rest of the malware on this list, this isone of the few Mac malware to have gainnotorietyas it showed that Macs are not immune. The Trojan was firstdiscovered in 2011by antivirus companyIntego as a fake Flash install. In its newer incarnation, a user simply needs to have Java enabled (which is likely the majority of us). It propagates itself byusing compromised websites containing JavaScript code that will download the payload. Once installed, the Mac becomes part of a botnet of other infected Macs.via CNETThe good news is thatif it is infected, it is simplylocalizedto that specific user’s account. Thebad newsis that more than 600,000 Macs were infected, including274 Macs in the Cupertino area, the headquarters of Apple.Oracle published a fix for the exploitwith Apple releasing an update to removeFlashback from people’s Mac.It is still out in the wild, with anestimateof 22,000 Macs still infected as of 2014.


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