Code Red Code Red

Code Red Code Red first surfaced on 2001 and was discovered by two eEye Digital Security employees. It wasnamed Code Redbecause the the pair weredrinking Code Red Mountain Dewat the time of discovery. The wormtargetedcomputers with Microsoft IIS web server installed, exploiting a buffer overflow problem in the system. It leaves very little trace on the hard disk as it is able to run entirely on memory, with a size of 3,569 bytes. Once infected, it will proceed to make a hundred copies of itself but due to a bug in the programming, it will duplicateeven more and ends up eatinga lot of the systems resources.via F-SecureIt will then launch a denial ofservice attack on several IP address, famous among themthe website of theWhite House. It also allows backdoor access to the server, allowing for remote access to the machine.The most memorable symptom is the message it leaves behind on affected web pages,"Hacked By Chinese!", whichhas become a meme itself. A patch was later released and it was estimate that itcaused$2 billion in lost productivity.A total of 1-2 million servers were affected, which is amazing when you consider there were 6 million IIS servers at the time.


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