Cyber Threat: List of Latest Computer Viruses 2020

Do you feel you are at a risk while surfing the Internet or using your computer?  Most of the people think the same. Rising cybercrimes has made people aware of how important it is to keep their data protected from external threats. Well, cybercrime is not a new phenomenon. It is in existence since ages. But, now it can have even more severe consequences. You can become a victim of cyber attack anytime.

Further, the attackers can get access to any confidential information and use it as per their wish, including planning terrorist attacks. Knowing about the latest computer viruses and preparing to remove them is the only way through which you can stay protected. Thus, know about them and keep the antivirus ready to fight with these malicious computer viruses.

But, before moving on to them, the questions that arise are how to protect the system and data from these attacks? And, which antivirus is competent enough to shield your passwords and other sensitive data. Continue in next segment


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